Laser Treatment Springfield MO

Hydrate and Refine With the Environ Cool Peel System – Aesthetics Springfield MO

Hydrate and Refine With the Environ Cool Peel System - Aesthetics Springfield MO

Hydrate and Refine With the Environ Cool Peel System

Fans of “Sex and the City” will likely remember the episode when Samantha Jones, the high-powered public relations maven, gets a “freshening” peel that leaves her with unsightly red and peeling skin. Fortunately, chemical peels have come a long way since they became commonplace in the late eighties and nineties.

Instead of stripping and peeling, today’s facial peels and aesthetics actually hydrate and refine your skin for a radiant, plump result. No facial peel does this better than Environ’s Cool Peel system. At Advanced Laser Clinic, we love Environ products because of the way they protect and treat the skin cells, leaving the skin’s natural barrier intact to fend off environmental toxins. Environ’s cool peels maintain the skin’s barrier while sloughing off excess dead skin, allowing hydrating agents to penetrate more effectively. It’s definitely not your mother’s chemical peel.

How Do Cool Peels Work?

Unlike the aggressive chemical peels of the late 20th century, the Environ Cool Peel system uses a lower concentration of acids (lactic acid, among others) that are applied over a series of light, repetitive peel treatments. The one-hour treatment is a gentle but effective way to slough off excess dead skin, allowing hydrating and anti-aging products to penetrate the skin more effectively.

Am I a Good Fit For a Cool Peel?

Are you interested in a facial treatment but intimidated by a chemical peel? Environ cool peels are a great place to start. These gentle peels treat a variety of skin woes:

  • Acne scarring
  • Enlarged pores
  • Dull or rough skin
  • Age spots
  • Wrinkles and fine lines
  • Rosacea

One thing to keep in mind: If you have critically damaged skin with active inflammation, burns or wounds, a chemical peel isn’t a good option for you. If you have questions, feel free to chat with our experts to determine if a peel is right for you.

What Happens During a Cool Peel?

During a cool peel, one of our experts will apply a certain type of acid that’s chosen based on your skin type. The acid is applied in a cream mask, which is painted onto your face and left on for about 10 to 15 minutes. During this process, you’ll likely experience a bit of tingling, but no pain or burning. After we remove the acid, we’ll apply a vitamin A serum. Then, we’ll use a mask to push the serum deeper into your skin for a bright, youthful glow. You’ll leave with skin that feels refreshed and hydrated.

What Can I Expect After a Cool Peel?

Cool peels require very little downtime. In fact, these are known as “lunchtime procedures” because you can head back to the office after treatment without excess redness or scarring. After a cool peel, it’s essential to avoid sun exposure for at least a week. You should also avoid excess exercise for 24 hours. If you experience mild redness after your peel, you can cover it using mineral makeup. However, you’ll want to stay away from heavy foundations or concealers. Finally, make sure you avoid picking or peeling your skin and always use a sunscreen.

Always wanted to try a chemical peel, but not sure where to start? The Environ Cool Peel system is a great, non-invasive option for a variety of skin woes. This innovative treatment will leave your skin feeling refreshed and hydrated. Additionally, it will allow your skin to better absorb moisturizing and anti-aging products.

If you want to learn more about the Environ Cool Peel system and aesthetics in Springfield Missouri, come pay us a visit at Advanced Laser Clinic. Give us a call at 417-883-5400 to set up an appointment. We look forward to meeting you!

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Why You Need Clarisonic – Acne Treatment Springfield MO

Why You Need Clarisonic - Acne Treatment Springfield MO

Why You Need Clarisonic

Proper skin cleansing is arguably the most important step in your at-home skincare ritual. Unfortunately, proper cleansing is often dismissed in favor of a quick makeup wipe or manual cleansing, both of which can leave dirt oil trapped in pores. A buildup of dirt and oil can damage your skin’s health and appearance, keeping your skincare products from working properly and making makeup application a challenge. At Advanced Laser Clinic, we recommend Clarisonic Skin Cleansing Systems for at-home cleansing. These easy-to-use, highly effective skincare brushes remove six times more makeup, dirt and oil than most manual cleansing methods.

What is Clarisonic?

Clarisonic is an electronic cleansing brush for your face. The brush generates more than 300 movements per second, removing six times more dirt, oil, and makeup than washing with a washcloth or your hands. Clarisonic brushes are small, portable and easy to clean, and you can also keep them in the shower for easy cleansing.

Is Clarisonic Safe to Use on Sensitive Skin?

If you’re prone to breakouts, redness or irritation, you might hesitate to use a high-powered brush on your face. However, Clarisonic is fully customizable, with several different brush head options for different skin types. The brush also comes with two speeds—delicate, for everyday washing and sensitive skin, and power cleanses, for more intense cleansing and makeup removal. Ultimately, Clarisonic is safe for sensitive skin. However, if you have damaged skin or rosacea, talk to one of our experts about whether Clarisonic is right for you.

Does Clarisonic Work for Acne Treatment?

Cleansing is obviously a critical part of acne treatment, which results from oil and sebum buildup in the pores. However, some clients worry that Clarisonic will spread bacteria or irritate existing acne. That’s not the case. Clarisonic’s thorough cleansing ensures that your acne products can fully penetrate the skin, easing acne over time. You may notice a few more pimples when you start using Clarisonic, but those pimples probably aren’t the result of the brush. In fact, they’ve likely been lurking under your skin’s surface for days. They appear quickly due to the stimulation of the skin. Fortunately, they also disappear quickly, and Clarisonic will help prevent future breakouts.

Does Clarisonic Exfoliate the Skin?

Your skin naturally sheds dead skin cells during the day, and Clarisonic helps wash away those cells. However, many exfoliating products remove more cells than your skin would naturally shed, which can be problematic if used too frequently. Clarisonic is powerful, yet gentle on the skin, and it won’t over-exfoliate, even if used every day. Instead, you’ll get a micro-firming face massage that will help your skin feel firmer and smoother without being too harsh.

How Do I Use Clarisonic?

Make sure to use enough cleanser and water with your Clarisonic. You’ll want to fill up the brush’s entire inner circle with a dollop of cleanser about the size of a quarter, and it’s best to continually add more water to the brush head as you wash.

Where Can I Find Clarisonic?

You can purchase your favorite new skincare tool at Advanced Laser Clinic. If you mention this blog post during the month of March, you’ll save $50 on Clarisonic, bringing your total to only $150.

Clarisonic is a great tool to have in your skincare toolbox. Overall, cleaner skin is the first step toward radiant, smooth, healthy-looking skin, and Clarisonic can help with that. If you’d like to purchase your first Clarisonic for skin and acne treatment in Springfield Missouri, call Advanced Laser Clinic at 417-883-5400 to schedule your consultation. We look forward to meeting you!

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Understanding Fractional vs. Non-Fractional Laser Treatment in Springfield MO

Understanding Fractional vs. Non-Fractional Laser Treatment in Springfield MO

Understanding Fractional vs. Non-Fractional Laser Treatment

The laser treatment world is full of exciting new skin rejuvenation options. Between innovative laser hair removal and anti-aging technologies, it’s easier than ever to look and feel your best. This month, the Advanced Laser Clinic team is excited to announce our newest laser technology: the Lumenis® ResurFX™ treatment, a fractional skin rejuvenation solution that results in glowing, younger-looking skin. So, how are treatments like ResurFX™ different from non-fractional laser treatment in Springfield Missouri?

Fractional Laser Treatments

Fractional laser treatments like ResurFX™ offer a lighter, less intensive approach to laser rejuvenation. Fractional resurfacing improves the texture of the face and removes superficial age spots, maintaining the outer and inner layer of the skin over time. These non-invasive treatments deliver a laser beam that’s been divided into thousands of microscopic treatment zones, allowing the laser to target tiny fractions of the skin. Imagine a photo being enhanced pixel by pixel – that’s similar to what fractional lasers do for your skin. Fractional lasers treat both the epidermal and dermal layers of the skin, allowing aesthetic professionals to treat sun-damaged and aging skin. The penetrating laser helps form new collagen in the skin, resulting in the appearance of plumper, healthier skin. The fractional aspect of these treatments also allows professionals to micro-treat specific areas, allowing for faster healing times. Overall, treatments like ResurFX™ are gentler than non-fractional treatments. It’s likely that all you’ll feel is a warm or prickling sensation when the laser is applied to your skin.

Non-Fractional Laser Treatments

Non-fractional resurfacing treatments are typically used for more severe issues including deeper age spots, deep wrinkles. They are also used as acne scar treatments in Springfield Missouri. These procedures are typically slightly more invasive than fractional treatments. For that reason, they usually involve light sedation as well as topical and injected anesthesia products. These lasers create heat in the skin, which promotes collagen production and the appearance of younger-looking skin. While fractional laser treatments like ResurFX™ can be “lunch hour” procedures with minimal recovery time, non-fractional laser treatments may require several weeks of healing time before you’re able to wear makeup and use certain cosmetics as part of your daily routine.

Are Laser Treatments Safe?

Both fractional and non-fractional laser are completely safe, although non-fractional treatments are typically more invasive than fractional treatments. Before scheduling your laser treatment, the professionals at Advanced Laser Clinic will join you for a consultation so you can discuss treatment expectations and any risks that may be associated with the treatment. There are several steps you should take to keep your skin healthy and safe before and after laser treatment:

  • Avoid tanning or excess sun exposure
  • Avoid perfume, makeup and any other other potential irritants in the treatment area
  • Avoid taking aspirin and other blood thinners

Like any medical procedure, ResurFX™ treatments aren’t right for everyone. You may not be a candidate for laser treatments if you’ve been diagnosed with an active infection, viral, fungal or bacterial disease, inflammatory skin condition or skin cancer. Make sure to let your aesthetic professional know if you have any of these conditions.

Try ResurFX™ at Advanced Laser Clinic

Interested in finding out if ResurFX™ is right for you at a price you’ll love? This innovative new treatment is our March special at Advanced Laser Clinic. We can’t wait to show you what our newest treatment can do you for your skin – and your confidence.

Both fractional and non-fractional lasers can be excellent tools in your skincare toolbox. If you’d like to pursue a laser treatment in Springfield Missouri, call Advanced Laser Clinic at 417-883-5400 to schedule your consultation. We look forward to meeting you!

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