August Special For Teen Facials in Springfield Missouri

August Special Free Peel Add On For Teen Facials

As summer activities start to wind down in August, it's time to begin planning for back to school. You've probably already started thinking about clothes shopping and school supplies to get your teen ready to go back to class. But have you thought about their skin?

Many teenagers struggle with acne as part of their adolescence. While acne is not a life-threatening skin condition, it can affect someone’s appearance and self-esteem. Even a mild breakout can make acne sufferers feel embarrassed about their looks and less willing to participate in normal social interactions. Help your teenager put their best face forward when school begins this year.

Whether your teenager needs just a clean up, or their skin needs a complete overhaul, Advanced Laser Clinic is here to help. During the month of August you can enjoy a free peel add on to our facial treatments for teens.

If you've tried our skin care services, then you might already know many of the options that we have available to help a wide variety of adult skin issues. But Advanced Laser Clinic also has several options to treat teenage skin care issues.

Our custom teen facials include deep cleansing and extractions. A light Alpha hydroxy peel can always be added for extra exfoliation. Acneic skin responds very well to these peels when used regularly.

These Alpha Hydroxy peels help to continually shed away the outer layers of the skin. Skin that has a tendency to break out really needs to be exfoliated.

The Environ TCA peel is a cool peel technology. This means it is very easy to tolerate. That is important when working with teenagers. Nobody wants to feel like their face is on fire. Especially the skin of young people. Most people have somewhat of an itchy sensation and that is about it.

After the procedure you can expect your skin to look nice, bright, and shiny. After a few days the dead skin cells will begin to work themselves away and the skin will be slightly rough. It takes about two days for this process to complete.

After the skin has fully recovered the results are amazing. Typical results are quicker healing of breakouts, less clogged pores, and healthier looking skin in general. These peels can be used regularly. As often as weekly if desired.

It's always a great idea to talk about home skin care products with your knowledgeable esthetician while you're getting a treatment. Consistent home care is an important step in helping clear the skin.

You also have to consider what your teen will be willing to use. The first step is getting the right home care products. The next step is using them regularly.

If you feel like your teenager's skin needs a little help to be ready for back to school, call Advanced Laser Clinic today at 417-883-5400. We have a lot of experience working with teenagers and would love to help your family have the best school year yet.

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