Medical Grade Home Rollers For Micro Needling in Springfield Missouri

Medical Grade Home Rollers For Micro Needling in Springfield Missouri

Many people are looking for the best way to boost their skin health at home and there are several ways to do this. One of our favorite ways to do this is by regular use of a home micro needling roller.

The key words here are "regular use" to maintain great skin is consistency. There are lots of options to pick from when choosing your home roller. This needs to be considered carefully as they do consist of tiny needles to puncture your skin. So quality is important.

You can find home rollers for micro needling at discount retailers and online, but how do you know if they are good quality or how long the micro needles in the home roller should be?

That’s where we come in. We've already done all the research for you and we stock only stainless steel medical grade rollers. The length of the microneedles on our home rollers is 0.3 mm which is the correct depth for home micro needling devices.

So what does a home micro needling roller do and how does it promote better skin? What the roller is doing is helping penetrate the skin barrier. Your skin is designed to protect and keep things out.

Medical grade skin care companies spend a lot of time trying to penetrate the skin barrier. The home micro needling roller goes just deep enough to let your skin care products penetrate deeper into the skin.

Rolling can improve product uptake from 9-10 percent to 70 percent. That is a huge improvement. More potent ingredients are being delivered into your skin.

But does it hurt? If you are using the correct length of microneedles on your home roller, it will be a little irritating but not painful.

You may sneeze when doing your forehead. You must also take care to not scratch the skin. Never pivot the roller on the skin. To change directions, remove the roller from your skin.

There is actually a specific pattern that works the best. Rolling in small sections in a star pattern is optimal.

Cleaning your roller is another important step. The roller should be cleaned after every use or every other use. We offer free sanitizer with each roller purchased which is a $25 value.

Using your home roller is best 5-7 nights per week on clean skin with medical grade skin care applied directly after. This can be worked up to by starting off with once per week until your skin is acclimated. Then two times per week, etc.

If using a home roller for micro needling is something that you have been interested in, we are here to help. Call Advanced Laser Clinic today with any questions or to reserve yours at (417) 883-5400.

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