Our July Special Improves Complexion With A Teen Facial in Springfield Missouri

Our July Special Improves Complexion With A Teen Facial in Springfield Missouri

With this past school semester being finished at home, many parents are already looking forward to having their teenagers head back to school. As a parent, you’re used to being focused on getting everything ready for your teen to go back to class, but have you thought about their skin?

Now’s the time to start thinking about getting your teen’s skin ready for school with a Teen Facial. You may have had facials for yourself, but never considered them for your teenagers. While they may not have wrinkles and age spots to deal with yet, they do have their own complexion issues that can greatly benefit from a Teen Facial in Springfield Missouri.

Our Teen Facials provide a customized facial for your teen’s specific skin care needs. Our teen facial is designed to be a soothing treatment that improves and refines the unbalanced teen complexion. During the month of July, we are offering $10 off our Teen Facials. Instead of $70, they are only $60.

We treat excess oil, clogged pores, acne, bacteria, inflammation, and sensitivity. Allow our skincare professionals to educate your teen on how to properly care for their skin and start them on a life-long path of healthy skincare habits.

Everyone wants to put their best face forward for the first day back to school. To do that you need help getting your best face first.

Your teens may have been lazy all summer. Slacking on makeup removal, missing moisturizing sessions and possibly even forgetting to apply SPF. Teenagers think they’re invincible and don’t need to worry about these good skin care habits yet. Now is the time to start developing good habits for proper skincare and get in a groove for the new school year ahead.

Hormonal changes sometimes create growing pains and self-esteem problems. Stress is a major concern for many teens with the demands of school, sports, relationships, and community involvement. It is important to teach our teens to make an effort to live a balanced lifestyle and take time to rejuvenate and destress.

Our Teen Facial gives your teen’s skin the most thorough and rejuvenating cleansing available. This specialized process helps your teen clean up and clear out those breakouts and congested skin. Our Microdermabrasion will help blast those pores clean while making extractions less painful but super effective.

As a part of our service, our experienced Estheticians will educate your teen on how they can help keep their skin clear at home. If your teen has acne or severe pore congestion, our Estheticians may recommend the Oxygeneo, our Oxygen Facial, featuring Activated Charcoal.

Many teens see notable improvement after this deep cleansing treatment.

Here’s what you should consider for your family:


Pre-teens and tweens may be at the learning stages of how to care for their skin. After a summer of swimming, sports camps, and sun exposure, their skin may be on the verge of breaking out or starting to show some dryness. This age is a great time to start with a gentle cleanser, like our Simply Clean by SkinCeuticals, and daily sunblock.

The cleansing should be done twice a day, with warm water, a washcloth and facial cleanser. Even if you can only get them to cleanse when they shower, it will still be a good start. Keep everything gentle, so they don’t over-do it, causing irritation. A thin layer of an oil free sunblock, like our Physical Fusion 50, will protect their skin without clogging pores.

Teens and Young Adults

For teens and young adults, it may be time to address some specific concerns such as breakouts, oily skin, or dryness. Putting their “best foot forward” is going to be much easier with the confidence of clear skin. This will take some commitment to a routine to see the best results.

In addition to cleansing every morning and applying an oil free sunblock, in the evening after cleansing is the time to treat skin with a gentle vitamin A moisturizer like Environ AVST, or our Environ Sebu-Clear Masque to exfoliate and combat breakouts.

Clean Up Your Act

There's a way to get clearer, healthier skin than you may be getting from that acne wash, and it's a matter of thinking smarter, not harsher when it comes to deep cleansing and managing excess oil.

If you don't already practice double cleansing, it's one of the most skin-saving habits you can get into, and one that works quickly and dramatically to improve skin texture, tone, and overall clarity.

Some of you may be asking “What exactly is double cleansing?”

First, use an oil-based cleanser, like Environ’s EssentiA Pre-Cleansing Oil, to dissolve excess surface oils, makeup, sunscreen, etc.

Then, follow with a gentle gel or cream cleanser that doesn't strip your skin of its natural moisture. When you double cleanse you don't need makeup remover, wipes, or anything else — just massage the cleansing oil all over your face, add water to dissolve, and rinse away the surface grime. This clears the way for your gentle daily cleanser to actually cleanse your pores.

Get Rid of the Grime

Again, keeping it gentle but consistent is key here. You should also exfoliate 1-2 times a week. If you're doing it more than that, over-exfoliation may be behind any skin concerns you may be trying to treat.

If your exfoliation habits are currently out of control, come see us, and we will equip you with the right products and routine to reign it back in.

Especially for trouble skin, we recommend exfoliation treatments you can apply as a soft mask over traditional scrubs, and again we recommend using products that don't overdry your skin.

Keep It Hydrated

It may seem counter intuitive when the days are still hot and sticky, but by the end of summer, most people are dealing with some serious dehydration in their skin, and it can really begin look dull, tired, and clogged.

The heat of summer is one of the most important times to reach for hydrating masks. You can still use your favorite clay mask, but we will apply our Environ Alginate Mask in our treatment room and you'll get better results.

Switch to Serums

Even though we are cream moisturizer users ourselves, sometimes we suggest serums. There are a number of lightweight ones out there that add critical hydration to the skin without weighing it down. Our favorites in the office are the Hydrating B12 gel, CE Ferulic, and the HA Intensifier all by SkinCeuticals.

They can offer additional concentrated benefits for specific skin concerns like redness, breakouts, or uneven skin tone. A serum can also be layered with a hydrating mist and/or just 2-3 drops of your favorite facial oil for a customized, lightweight finish.

Environ’s ACE oil is absolutely perfect for this.

More Than Just A Facial

But we don’t stop there. As they leave, your teen will receive a customized treatment plan, product and usage knowledge, along with the confidence that they can continue their treatment plan at home. And we know you want to give them all the tools they need to start this school year with confidence!

Don’t Forget Your Own Self Care

The back-to-school season isn’t just about your teen. You need help to get your skin get back to where it was before the summer sun, humidity, and having your kids at home madness took over.

Advanced Laser Clinic offers several facials to help all skin types achieve this goal.

Back to school time is often the beginning of new experiences and opportunities. Be prepared not only with new school clothes and supplies, but with new skin care as well.


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