Our February Special On The Perfect Derma Peel Chemical Peel in Springfield Missouri

Our February Special On The Perfect Derma Peel Chemical Peel in Springfield Missouri

The cold temperatures of winter can be harsh on your skin. During winter months, you need to pay extra attention to your skin care regimen. Use thicker moisturizers and drink lots of water to keep your skin hydrated.

There’s also another skin treatment option to consider when the weather is cold. The Perfect Derma Peel. And for the month of February, we’re taking $25 off our normal price for The Perfect Derma Peel.

What is The Perfect Derma Peel? This is a different chemical peel than the light 4-6 week peels we use regularly.

This is a medium depth chemical peel, meaning that it effects more than just the top level epidermis. Medium depth chemical peels penetrate and remove the upper dermal layers of the skin.

The Perfect Derma Peel is made up of four different acids: Trichloroacetic (TCA), retinoic, salicylic and kojic.

The Perfect Derma Peel also contains Vitamin C and glutathione, which is one of the body’s most important and potent antioxidants.

This treatment is great for those wanting to improve their skin tone and the texture of their skin for a smoother and brighter complexion.

The Perfect Derma Peel offers noticeable improvement for several skin concerns:

- It lightens the skin by removing dull skin and revealing healthier tissue.

- It improves skin tone caused by sun damage, hyperpigmentation and Melasma.

- It can help slow the signs of aging such as fine lines and wrinkles.

- This chemical peel stimulates collagen to produce firmer skin.

The Perfect Derma Peel is a quick in-office application of the peel. We will prep the skin, then apply the peel. It will need to remain on the skin for 6 hours or even kept on the skin overnight for a more intense peel.

Peeling will begin around the third day and can be moderate to intense peeling. The skin is usually back to normal in about a week. UV exposure needs to be avoided during this time. Sunscreen of at least SPF 30 needs to be applied daily.

This treatment can be repeated two to four times, spaced at least four weeks apart.

At Advanced Laser Clinic, we have patients who opt for The Perfect Derma Peel as opposed to other treatments if they have an allergy to topical numbing agents.

The skin doesn’t require numbing for this treatment and some of our clients can’t tolerate the other types of treatments. The Perfect Derma Peel is relatively low in pain and burning sensation.

Some of our clients have conditions such as Melasma and their skin that can’t be treated with heat. The Perfect Derma Peel does not involve heat or light, so it is safe for most skin types and issues.

If this medium depth chemical peel interests you, call Advanced Laser Clinic at 417-883-5400 for more information. Consultations are always free. February is a great time to try The Perfect Derma Peel and save $25 off our normal price.

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