Defeat Acne With the CLENZiderm M.D.™ System - Acne Treatment in Springfield Missouri

Defeat Acne With the CLENZiderm M.D.™ System

At Advanced Laser Clinic, we know that good skincare goes way beyond the occasional chemical peel or microdermabrasion treatment. If you’re dealing with chronic skin issues like acne, you need a persistent skincare regimen with a scientifically-proven product. If you’re ready to defeat your acne once and for all this school year, look no further than the three-step Obagi CLENZiderm M.D.™ System as your solution for acne treatment in Springfield Missouri.

Why It Works

The CLENZIderm M.D. System is a three-part system specifically designed for individuals with acne. The system includes a three-product regiment that is gentle enough to use in the morning and the evening, but powerful enough to help clear up your acne and prevent future breakouts. How does it work? It’s simple - The bacteria that causes acne flourishes deep in the pores, which makes it difficult to reach with an everyday soap and water regimen. CLENZIderm M.D.’s powerful combination of benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid helps it penetrate deep into the pores, wiping out pesky acne-causing bacteria at the source.

Step One: Cleanse

The Daily Care Foaming Cleanser is a light, foaming acne cleanser that’s perfect for chronic acne. The product contains two percent salicylic acid to tackle impurities, plus cooling menthol to leave skin feeling clean and refreshed. Just wash your face with a nickel-sized amount of the cleanser morning and night. You’ll experience a fresh, clean complexion that’s primed for the final two products in the regimen.

Step Two: Pore Therapy

After washing your face with the Daily Care Foaming Cleanser, refresh your pores with the CLENZIderm M.D. Pore Therapy serum. The Pore Therapy product also contains two percent salicylic acid, which unclogs and refines your pores while clearing away dead skin cells for a smoother appearance. You can use this product up to three times a day. However, it may dry out skin, so make sure to start with one application daily, gradually increasing applications as needed.

Step Three: Moisturize

Your moisturizer doesn’t have to clog your pores. CLENZiderm M.D.’s lightweight lotion contains five percent benzoyl peroxide, allowing the product to deliver medication deep into the pores as you go about your day. This isn’t your ordinary moisturizer. Its powerful chemical makeup may bleach hair and dyed fabrics, so make sure to wash your hands thoroughly after each application. And, as always, make sure you’re wearing a broad-spectrum sunscreen every time you go outside.

If you’re located in Springfield, Missouri and are ready for the skin you’ve always wanted, come pay us a visit at Advanced Laser Clinic. We carry a full line of products and services for any skin issue from acne to hyperpigmentation. Plus, our skincare experts are equipped for any medical skincare treatments you might need, including acne treatment and acne scar treatment. Give us a call at 417-883-5400 to set up an appointment.

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