Our July Special On PRP For Hair Loss Using Platelet Rich Plasma

Combat Covid Hair Loss With Platelet Rich Plasma Treatments

Many people who have battled Covid-19 during the pandemic have faced long-term health issues including brain fog, fatigue, headaches, dizziness and shortness of breath.

But another side effect that you may not have heard about is the number of people who are dealing with hair loss. Both men and women are noticing significant hair loss months after recovering from the virus.

You can’t underestimate what stress does to our bodies. The CDC says that the hair loss can be a long-term effect of COVID and is consistent with a condition called telogen effluvium. This condition is where high levels of stress trigger hair follicles to move into the shedding or telogen phase resulting in significant loss of hair.

The CDC has reported that men and women are experiencing telogen effluvium two to four months after they have recovered from COVID-19. The good news is that this type of hair loss is often temporary, but can take several months to resolve and there is no guarantee that the hair will grow back as full and thick as it was before.

There are several medical options that can help facilitate the regrowth of hair faster and slow down the shedding process. These include oral supplements like Votesse or Nutrafol, topical applications such as Minodoxil, and the newest treatment is Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections to the scalp.

PRP is taken from your own blood in the office by our nursing staff. After a blood draw is done it is then spun down to achieve a highly concentrated amount of Platelet Rich Plasma. The PRP is then injected back into the scalp where hair is occurring. The improvement for many people is noticeable in one to two months. Multiple treatments can be done for further improvement.

If you have experienced hair loss after recovering from Covid-19, give Advanced Laser Clinic a call. We do free consultations to see if Platelet Rich Plasma treatments would be right for you.

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