Remove Hormone Imbalance Unwanted Hair With Laser Hair Removal in Springfield Missouri

Remove Hormone Imbalance Unwanted Hair With Laser Hair Removal

Have you been diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), Menopause, or recently started Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)? Are you noticing overproduction of dark hair commonly seen in men such as the face, chest, and back? At Advanced Laser Clinic, we have 20 years of experience in laser hair removal, and we're here to help you get rid of that unwanted facial and body hair.

Hormone imbalances caused by PCOS, HRT or other hormone changes can create an excess of androgen, a male hormone that causes unwanted hair growth on the face, back, chest, lower legs, and abdomen. This hair can be thicker, darker, or excessive due to the extra hormones in the body.

This means shaving and waxing areas with more frequency – sometimes twice per day – compared with the average person. With laser hair removal, you can look forward to hair free days and even weeks in between your hair removal sessions.

Advanced Laser Clinic has been treating clients with PCOS and hormonal imbalances for 20 years. We know that these treatments cannot influence internal hormone irregularities within the body, so there are limitations as to what it can achieve.

With PCOS, HRT or other hormonal changes, hair growth is persistent and resilient. It is always recommended that treating the root cause medically along with or even before laser treatments offer better results in the end.

Everyone’s hormones are different, so the frequency and number of these treatments will depend on the person. Larger body areas may require less frequent maintenance treatments, but you should expect that facial hair will need to be maintained more often.

We recommend six laser hair removal treatments 6-9 weeks apart with maintenance treatments as needed.

Advanced Laser Clinic is here to help all women feel confident and beautiful. Don’t let PCOS or any other hormonal imbalance dictate how you feel about yourself. Laser Hair Removal will change your life.

During the month of September you can enjoy an additional $100 off any of our laser hair removal packages. Contact us today to learn more or to schedule your Laser Hair Removal consultation.

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