Prep Your Skin For Summer
Prepping your skin for summer can be easier said than done, especially when skincare may have fallen by the wayside in colder months. Check out our four-step plan to get your complexion glowing in time for swimsuit season:
Step 1: A Healthy Foundation
It’s tough to uncover your best skin when you’re dealing with layers of dryness and dullness from a harsh winter. That’s why we recommend treatments like microdermabrasion to rehydrate and renew your skin in time for summer. Microdermabrasion is a safe, quick and convenient way to give any complexion a brighter, smoother look—especially when you may be in need of some serious exfoliation. It’s also a great way to reduce blemishes if you’re prone to acne. Get more information about microdermabrasion here.
Step 2: Proper Nutrition
Good skincare isn’t just about topical treatments—it’s also about what you put in your body. To get that summer glow back, it’s important to keep a few key things in mind when choosing your next meal. First, lean toward healthy fats like avocados and nuts. Healthy fats help keep skin flexible and moisturized, which in turn reduces signs of aging. Omega-3 fatty acids, usually found in fish, are also necessary to keep skin supple, moisturized and protected from the sun’s harmful rays. Questions about nutrition? Give us a call at 417-883-5400 for more tips.
Step 3: Say Goodbye to Pesky Hair
We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: Life is hairy enough without having to deal with unwanted body hair during swimsuit season. That includes both body hair and facial hair that might be cramping your laid-back summer style. You still have time to book your laser hair removal appointment at 30 percent off, but the special ends at the end of March. Get more information about our laser hair removal treatments here.
Step 4: Topical Care
Once you’ve worked your way to a good foundation with proper nutrition and treatments like microdermabrasion and laser hair removal, it’s imperative to maintain your progress with a solid skincare regimen. First, find a moisturizer that works for you. We recommend sticking with a lightweight product that won’t give you the dreaded sweaty look; for example, Environ’s Vita-Antioxidant moisturizer, part of the EssentiA product line. It supports supple, youthful skin while avoiding that heavy, oily texture that could lead to breakouts.
Even more important than moisturizer is sun protection. We can’t emphasize enough that sun protection is the biggest key to avoiding cosmetic skin issues like fine lines, wrinkles and discoloration along with serious issues like melanoma. At Advanced Laser Clinic, we have several sun care ranges from Obagi, Environ, SkinCeuticals, Topix and CBI.
Curious about which products and treatments are the best for getting your skin ready for summer? Pay us a visit for an expert skin analysis in Springfield Missouri. We’d love to help you rediscover your best skin.